Diablo 2 Remaster is very unlikely - Blizzard - Video Peel messages, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu
There have been too many assets lost as a Remaster would be possible.
With the announcement of diablo 4 people are hyped for hellish raids, lots of prey and endless fun with friends. But it will take a long time until we create it diablo 4. Therefore, the people of nature are nostalgic to the past, and at Blizzard lately has readiness, their past with people like world of Warcraft Classic and a Remaster of Warcraft 3. What about the lover? DIABLO 2 then? Well, unfortunately it seems unlikely.
In an interview with gamespot, the original creators of the diablo series spoke about the series and their historic past. There are interesting information, but some of the daunting information for the fans are that the game has gone almost completely lost when they had to rebuild the game based on a home version and the most original assets of the game were destroyed. So if Blizzard ever wanted to pursue a Remaster or an extended remake, it had to rebuild it from scratch.
"I had a big part of it. Went home, the hard drive pulled out or whatever we did at that time. Spent a few days with reconstructing what worked well, except that we lost all the story. We have lost much of the assets, artificial assets. This would make it very difficult Blizzard, a diablo 2 Remaster, because all assets we used are as good as they are away. You would have to do it from scratch. "
While it is not impossible, but the effort that Blizzard would have to put in a game DIABLO 2 REMASTER would be a lot more than the typical improved re-release. With enough time and resources it could still happen, but I would not stop the breath.
Tags: Blizzard Entertainment, Diablo 2, Diablo 2 Remaster, PC
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