The final announcement of PlatinumGames for Platinum 4 takes place on 1 April - things change - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu

Oh man, it's on April Fool's

For PlatinumGames things change strongly. The studio has always been active and for more than a decade of one of the most prestigious workhorse studios. They go new ways with self-publishing and want to diversify themselves in addition to the action in which they were mainly present, also to other genres. They were there to reveal 4 different projects, and the last will be revealed very soon.

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As the update of the Platinum 4 website shows, the last announcement will be made on April 1st. Of course, this raises a lot of red flags that take place on April Fool's Fool. So it could be that we get involved in a joke before the actual revelation, so be careful.

Whatever the next revelation is, Platinum has said that they hope that people are hustling. There was a lot about it speculated what it could be, and we will inform you as soon as the revelation goes live.

Tags: Nintendo Switch, PC, Platinum Games, PS4, Xbox One


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