Flynn: Son of Crimson Review

Flynn: Son of Crimson is this game you remember. It's a 2D adventure that challenges your ability to jump, solve simple puzzles and sometimes face a fight against a big boss. Incarking the Roux Flynn hair boy, you go on an adventure with your Canine Dex guard and end up falling into all kinds of diversions and new powers.

It is obvious from the start that it is a more modern game, mainly in the incredible pixel Art 2D exposed. Animations of how the characters move to the trees carefully rendered in the background - everything comes alive as you move through each level. I do not get tired of looking at everything in this game and impregnate with all the little details, as the way Flynn's hair or dex fur move side by side in the wind.

Son of Crimson uses a traditional overmould and each level is a unique but mainly linear horizontal scrolling case. While some things are closed during your first visit to a zone, a metroidvania this game is not. And it's good ! Because Flynn: Son of Crimson wants you to focus on the pleasure that comes from what happens next (even if it sometimes makes you go back). Each level has new enemies to fight and new mechanics to handle, be it buttons or timed blocks, or barrels that explode, there is a good variety to have.

Shadowverse Renascent Chronicles - You should play Shadow. It's nuts. Most puzzles are very simple, you challenging simple challenges like moving a block or two, or timer your remote attacks to press a switch. Later, there were some surprises in terms of using Flynn's set of movements like rolling to make a difficult jump, but for the most part I have never been disconcerted or I had to think for more a few seconds.

The enemies in his of Crimson have simple attack diagrams, although some are more difficult to read than others. Most are often easily removed with a few sword shots or remote magic attacks. There is also a kind of offset counter, where fast and consecutive shots can stun your opponent, giving you an opening to beat him absolutely. More deeply, you unlock new capabilities later, as a Crimson attack that allows you to decimate almost any fool who puts on your way and an extra weapon with other magical powers to exploit.

All of this helps keep the fight interesting as the simple story unfolds. Although harmless, the story is mostly ignoring and simple. There is a bad green color that does not prepare for good. They sabotaged your DEX dog friend, and it's up to you to settle things. I mean, who would defend someone who plays with his puppy? From there, you will explore new areas, you will lead to one or two simple quests of a villager and you will fight bosses that want to stop (for most reasons ever explained).

One of my main problems with the game is sometimes that it requires you to reverse to clean an area, which sometimes looks a bit like an extra padding in what is already a short and windy adventure. This, and although he has new weapons and new powers, I have never felt that something was mechanically as deep or advanced the kind in any way.

Overall, Flynn: Son of Crimson is a fun and short adventure that is nice to watch with a story that does not bother. Although he never reaches the summits of Shovel Knight, my time with him was nice, even if he was sometimes a little too windy. If you need a beautiful but short 2D adventure, spending an afternoon with your friend Dex to straighten the world is an easy-to-do recommendation.
