Ruin Spoiler The Story of Wow?

The Video Game Developers Choice Honors (GCA, Lit. Premiers picked by video game designers) are prizes presented yearly at the Video game Developers Meeting (GDC, Lit. Conference of Computer Game Developers) for computer game programmers as well as featured video games. Presented in 2001 have changed the previous Limelight Awards. Also, ever since, the ceremony for the Independent Gaming Celebration (Lit. Festival of Video games Independent) is made just prior to the GCA.

In no other online role-playing game there are so many story spoilers as in World of Warcraft. A few years ago, the story, especially the great final of an enlargement, was a well-kept secret. Today we already know months ahead of how the story goes out of patch X.Y. Good, some important parts of history publishes Blizzard in the form of Cinematic itself. The best example of this was the latest video smashed heritage, in which Sylvan tries to overcome her inner tatters. Sylvan as' Search for salvation, however, is just a small part of the story of Earth Morris. Most info's history come from the carabiners who met the data from the test server for new dialogue texts and cutscenes every week.

Datamyne — curse and blessing at the same time

Thanks to Datamyne, we can already make a picture of it today, which expects us in Earth Morris and in the new battles the mausoleum of the first. The final battle against the Chairman is no longer a big secret. Although Blizzard's developers in the case of Indoor, Art has and Oval attach great importance to secrecy for weeks, a lot of spoilers have been circulating in the net, which virtually all secrets around the large final of Shadow lands. Most players can not be spoiled by story spoilers. In the WoW community, however, there is a group of players who are firmly convinced that Detainees ruin the story and thus the gaming experience.

These players demand that Blizzard holds the campaign and thus all important data such as dialogue texts, Cutscenes and Cinematic to the release of the next Story chapter. The opposite side argues against it and says that you can not test the game content so reasonable. But this problem is theoretically easy to solve. The developers could provide the most important quests and dialogues on the test server with blind text or test them exclusively internally. The developers of other well-known online role-playing games such as Final Fantasy 14 finally create it also to keep the story of the game back. Why is Blizzard not so much trouble?

How Pretty Much Every WoW Refugee Feels About the State of Blizzard Entertainment Spoiler and the many misunderstandings

The previously published information about the Story of Sylvan as struck high waves in the WoW community. Blizzard's developer conceded much criticism. Source: Blizzard Are the Detainees the problem or are the story-spoiler Blizzard in the meantime no matter? This delicate topic have discussed the authors of BlizzardWatch after the publication of the Cinematic with their readers. The big question was: Blizzard should publish the story in advance on the test server or prefer to hold back to the release of Patch X. Y? And spoil the pre-published information really the game fun? Or is there a different reason for the spoilers to spoil some players sour? Finally, most data will be published by the test server without context, which means that the said events are incorporated in time or the texts and images incorrectly interpreted. And although these WoW spoilers are our daily bread, our editorial staff is not of these mistakes.

Especially at the beginning of the test phase, we are overwhelmed by a flood of new information. They all classify them chronologically is not a slight task and many text passages or videos actually make sense only after the official release. The big problem is that this data chaos often leave a wrong first impression in players. The absence of context and the time jumps between the events in BFA and Shadow lands have especially damaged the story of Sylvan as. This chaos is mainly due to lore fans for a lot of frustration. But not only the Detainees are to blame, but Blizzard's developers themselves, who are concerned with spoilers, can not or do not want to make a clear decision.

Can Blizzard still stop the Information INAMI?

I admit, spoilers make me completely cold. It's even fun to order the data and speculate what this or that dialogue could mean. And yes, I find it silly, if you want to talk to a few colleagues with a coffee about a movie, series or game, but there is always one in the round that gives all the call ban. He or she was quoted: Not so far. In these rounds there is a cold silence for a while. However, these little conflicts are only partially comparable to the Tohuwabohu around the Story spoilers of WOW in the network. The players who like to be surprised by the story can seriously escape the information atmosphere, which refers to them daily.

What do you mean to the story spoilers in World of Warcraft (Buy Now €14.99)? Is there still a solution for this problem? Do the players have to live with the spoilers? Or should Blizzard's team consider a strategy for the test server that satisfies all players? Tells us your opinion in the comments Back Continue 1 2 Ruin Spoilers The Story of Wow? Picture Gallery Ruin Spoiler the story of WOW? The links marked are affiliate links. Affiliate links are no ads, as we are independent in the search and selection of the presented products. For product sales we receive a small commission, with which we partially finance the free content of the website.


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