Legends Pokémon Arceus is updated to version 1.1.1 to correct a bug
The Pokémon Saga hLegends Pokémon looked back and hLegends Pokémon traveled to the Sinnoh region's pLegends Pokémont in Legends Pokémon Arceus, the most recent game of the series. The new production of Gamefreak makes profound changes in the gameplay and opens the doors to worlds much more open than in the previous products. The study hLegends Pokémon now published the update 1.1.1, a patch centered on correcting a very specific error, so does not enter any new content.
According to the patch notes, after applying the update, a bug related to the object amulet iris will be corrected:
"Solved an error that occurred under certain conditions and that prevented players from obtaining the Iris amulet even though they met the requirements. After updating the game, users who have experienced this problem will be able to get the amulet IRIS if they talk to Professor Lavanton within the hall of the Galaxy Team in Jubilee city, Legends Pokémon long Legends Pokémon they meet the requirements.
Supermaid appearances, one of the novelties endgame
Legends Pokémon Arceus is available exclusively for Nintendo Switch. The previous update did add new challenges and challenges, among which is the awakening of Hisui, a new endgame content for the video game. Players must investigate mysterious Pokémon appearances that are being given throughout the HISUI region. They are the supermaid appearances, which are accompanied by the dream challenge, formidable and powerful rivals.
The Machinery of The Pokémon Company does not stop and Gamefreak already works on the next main videogame of the brand. Scarlet and purple Pokémon will follow the wake of Pokémon Arceus legends and will offer an extensive and lively world . In addition, these two editions will introduce the ninth generation. Its launch is scheduled for this year 2022 in Nintendo Switch, still without a specific date but with a premiere window set by the end of the year.
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